Prairie Creeks High School
Prairie Creeks High School Mission Statement:
We exist to serve the non-traditional student, who is at risk of not graduating or dropping out by role modeling positive behavior, providing a safe environment and nurturing their educational, emotional and physical well-being so that they have the skills to live life well.
"I know of no more encouraging fact than man's unquestionable ability to raise his life by conscious endeavor."
- Henry David Thoreau
PCHS Course Catalogs
Click the buttons below for each catalog:
General Course Catalog | Alternative Course Catalog |
CORE Values
Our CORE values represent how we view ourselves at Prairie Creeks High School, as well as how we want to be viewed by others. All of our rules, consequences, and rewards are based on these three core values:
Respect Yourself |
Respect Others |
Respect Property |
Click Here to Register for the 2024-25 School Year
Contact Us
For more information, reach out to...
Thom Winter
PCHS Director (303)622-9211 ext. 871
Denice Gonzalez
PCHS Asst. Director (303)622-9211 ext. 870