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Jeromie Bongard

Hello Strasburg!  I am Jeromie Bongard and I am the new Dean of Students. I have been teaching for nine years. I started teaching Physical Education overseas in Panama for one year. My second year was teaching PE in Montbello. I have been in Strasburg for the last seven teaching PE and Social Studies.

We have lived in the community for the last 13 years and have been blessed by such an amazing community and school that has given our family so much. I hold a bachelor's from Metro State University in Human performance and sport, with a minor in history. I will be graduating in December from Emporia State University with a master's in educational administration.  

I’m excited to be in this role and have a larger impact on students and their growth to become better humans. It’s my pleasure to serve Strasburg in this capacity and am excited for what the future brings to our school, district, and community.